Friday, March 7, 2008

Checking the System Properties of your Windows XP PC

Do you know the level of the operating system software on your XP PC? Do you have a feel for the speed of your microprocessor(s)? Do you know how much RAM (random access memory) your computer has? Click below to find out how to check up on these things and more.

 Checking System Properties in Windows XP

Thursday, March 6, 2008

And now, a word from our sponsor

As usual, I am offering a special Spring cleanup and tuning of your PC, this year for a flat fee of $100. This includes up to 3 hours of my time. This offer is valid for the Jericho-Underhill area between now and April 30. The same offer applies for Boothbay Region customers between May 1 and June 15. Please contact me for arrangements if you live outside of these areas.

If your PC seems to have lost its get up and go, you probably need a cleanup and tuning.

Did you know that I can now support you from a remote site? I do not have to come to your home, which means I can support Mainers from Vermont and Vermonters from Maine. A prerequisite is that your PC can still connect to the internet, and you must have a high speed internet connection (DSL, Cable, Wild Blue, or Hughes Network).

Visit my web site for contact information

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Tuning Windows XP

The System Configuration Utility, an easy to use program in Windows XP,  will take you one step closer to having a well-tuned Windows XP system. I use it every time I visit a customer's home or office as a part of my system tune-up process.

The System Configuration Utility in Windows XP

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Best Offense is a Good Defense

Even if you’re not paranoid, that doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you, so be careful, and take preventive measures. You do not have to become a victim and you can avoid PC problems if you read and follow the suggestions in my The Best Offense is a Good Defense white paper.

The Best Offense is a Good Defense

If you have any questions after reading the above white paper, you can contact me here:

Contact the PC Doctor

Monday, March 3, 2008

Summer vacation on the coast of Maine

If you've ever thought of taking a vacation on the coast of Maine, I have a web site for you. This is one where you can deal directly with the cottage owner, so there are no middle man commissions or other overhead. These cottages are located in the very popular Boothbay Region. Check it out.

Boothbay Region For Rent By Owner (BRFRBO)