Okay, I did it. I have moved into our new home in Acton and I decided to see if I could get my old faithful IBM desktop to come alive after a rather longer than planned hiatus due to the sluggish real estate market, but that's another story.
My good old desktop, running Windows XP SP3 is alive and well. I have committed to it as my main computer, so my laptop usage is limited to web browsing and web mail, whereas my desktop at home has my Outlook and other serious software applications.
I have decided that I see no reason why this machine, and XP on my other machines, should not be able to carry me through to 2014, the announced termination of support date for XP. For those of you who have also made that commitment, good for us all. I do have a Windows 7 laptop. I need that for supporting customers with W7. Otherwise, XP on my desktop is it!
I have yet to come to grips with what to do about my investment in a beautiful Apple MacBook Pro 17. It is truly a great machine, but you know, it just ain't XP.
This evening I downloaded another 9 important XP updates. Included among them was MSRT. I shall now run MRT and call it a day.