Friday, February 10, 2012

13 Windows 8 features worth knowing about

Truth is that the only reason I care at all about Windows 8 is that I am trying to sell my MacBook Pro 17" and, if I do, I will be in the market for a new laptop and a new desktop. So yes, I am interested in Windows 8 because anything that I buy new might just be a Windows 8 machine.

Anyway, this article comes to us from

13 Windows 8 features worth knowing about

"Windows 8 will introduce a slew of interesting features, but will they benefit you?

By John Brandon
January 31, 2012 06:00 AM ET
Computerworld - Upgrades, system migration, support headaches -- IT folks are probably dreading the next major Windows rollout. Yet Windows 8, which is scheduled to move to the beta stage in late February and will likely launch in the fall, does offer several compelling new features for both IT and end users. 

By far the most talked-about aspect of Windows 8 is the Metro interface. Designed for touchscreen computers and tablets, and built to use HTML5 and CSS3, Metro ties into Internet apps like SkyDrive and Flickr. As with Windows Phone 7, you can swipe to navigate through tiles showing live Web info like stocks and news as well as more traditional apps."

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How to Tell if a Link Is Safe Without Clicking on It

This is an incredibly powerful and valuable article. I learned a lot in reading it. So many of the rogue programs and viruses that infect, or worse, our systems are launched when one of us clicks on a link imbedded in an e-mail or Facebook or on a website. Here are ways to check out the web site without going to view it, or worse, getting bitten by it!

I HIGHLY recommend everyone to read this article from PCWorld in its entirety and that you save some of the links in it to your Favorites or Bookmarks. I am going to do so and name the Bookmarks CheckSite - xxxxx where xxxxx is the site name. In this way I can find them easily (after sorting my Bookmarks) for an easy check on a suspicious link. Make sense? If not, write.

I think this is important!

"Here's what to do with a link that looks suspicious.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Things That Were Once Amazing

David Pogue of the New York Times almost always has interesting blog posts. This is a light one I hope you will enjoy.

"A few weeks ago, I was attending an educational conference. I was at a lunch table chatting with the attendees. I overheard a guy telling this story to his colleagues:

“So there I was, struggling to make PowerPoint display correctly on this projector. I restarted it. I went through the menus. Nothing was working. So this eighth grader comes up and says, ‘Mr. Summers, let me help you.’ He kneels down, fiddles around, and damned if he didn’t fix the thing! An eighth grader!”

And he shook his head in amazement.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The $1.6 Billion Woman, Staying on Message

42 years of age, I think? WOW! This is from the NY Times.

Antoine Antoniol/Bloomberg News

"Facebook's No. 2 executive, Sheryl Sandberg, will reap a fortune in its stock offering. And she hasn't stopped telling the world how women should take responsibility for their careers."