Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day

A HUGE thank you to all of our veterans, on this their special day.

You Can’t Tell a Vet Just By Looking

He is the cop on the beat who spent six months in Saudi Arabia sweating two gallons a day making sure the armored personnel carrier didn’t run out of fuel.
He is the barroom loudmouth whose behavior is outweighed in the cosmic scales by four hours of unparalleled bravery near the 38th Parallel in Korea.

She is the nurse who fought against futility in Da Nang and went to sleep sobbing every night for two solid years.
He is the POW who left one person and came back another.

He is the drill instructor who has never been in combat, but has saved countless lives by turning no-accounts into Marines.
He is the parade-riding legionnaire who pins on his ribbons and medals with a prosthetic hand.

He is the white-haired guy bagging groceries at the supermarket, aggravatingly slow, who helped liberate a Nazi death camp.
A vet is an ordinary and extraordinary human being — someone who offered his life’s vital years in the service of his country.
He is a soldier and a savior and a sword against the darkness, and nothing more than the finest, greatest testimony on behalf of the finest, greatest nation ever known.  We will never be able to repay the debt of gratitude we owe.

- Author Unknown -

YouTube’s Rules for Video

From the New York Times:

"Q&A: YouTube’s Rules for Video
Is it possible to download videos from YouTube?
Several browser plug-ins and utility programs around the Web do let you grab copies of your favorite clips and stash them away on your hard drive. But even though the site hosts many clips showing how to download YouTube videos, the official YouTube FAQ states that doing so is against the site’s terms of service agreement and is a violation of the video-owner’s copyright.

Some video pages found on YouTube may have an official button to download a copy of the clip from the site. In that case, YouTube does allow you to take a copy for yourself."

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Guide for PC Buyers Not Looking for a Tablet

I am personally holding out for at least another year and will await the arrival of Windows 8 and more touch screen capability and affordability, but if you are in the market for a laptop, here is some good advice from Walt Mossberg of the Wall Street Journal.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Five Great Internet Banks

Well, I have to say this is very interesting. Have you checked the interest rate your bank is giving you on a savings account? Paltry in my case. These appear worthwhile checking out. (Puns were not intended!).

This comes from

Monday, November 7, 2011


Sometime over this past weekend, the hit counter at the bottom of this blog's home page went over 15000! Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see it.

This came after 668 posts over 3 years, 8 months, and 25 days! This was my first blog post:

So I thank you, whoever you are, for stopping by and checking out my tiny space on the web.

If you have any suggestions for improvements, please tell me what they are. Write me at

If you have comments on any blog post as we move forward, note that comments are allowed on the blog. Just click on the word COMMENT at the end of each and every post.

If you have found value in this blog, please let me know. Write me at

When I started out I was writing about things I knew about, like how to clean up a hard drive or how to tune your system, or how to secure your system against the many predators out there, but I soon found out that I couldn't keep that up. I just don't know that much! So I began turning into a "clipping service", checking out various technical web sites and reporting back on things I considered might be relevant to at least some of you. It is tough, without feedback, to know if this is valuable to any of you, but I guess the fact that there have been over 15000 hits to the site speaks to that in some small way.

One other thing: I would welcome guest blog posts. If you have something you think would be of value to the (mostly Windows) readers of the blog, let me know and we can work to get your information posted. I will credit you with the post. Write me at

Thank you for your continued following and loyalty to this blog.