Saturday, February 4, 2012

Facebook Timeline Privacy Tips: Lock Down Your Profile


"Facebook's Timeline is coming, whether you like it or not, to Facebook accounts everywhere - including yours. I've been using Timeline for about a month now, and I'm not sure how I feel about it.

On the one hand, it's a lot easier to find things -- events, wall posts, etc, because you can now search your Facebook profile by date. On the other hand, it's much easier for other people--friends, strangers, you name it -- to find things, because they can now search your Facebook profile by date."

Read whole article By Sarah Jacobsson Purewal, HERE

Friday, February 3, 2012

Facebook goes public

This is hardly news to anyone this week, but it's a nice concise opinion from

"After numerous rumors swirled around the Internet and financial circles, Facebook finally went public with their IPO (Initial Public Offering) on Wednesday.  The goal was to raise as much as $5 billion in the initial offering.  This would make it the biggest IPO of any internet-based company, beating out Google’s $1.9 billion debut back in 2004.

The real question that everyone wants to know, however, is how much Facebook is actually worth?  Many believe that the social network site is worth somewhere in the range of $75 to $100 billion.  This is an estimate of Facebook’s worth once shares are listed a few months from now.  Does this mean that you can buy shares and cash in then?  Unfortunately not, as the IPO will include Facebook staff and large investors at first.  Over time, if investors feel comfortable, you’ll see shares open up to the typical Facebook user.

For now, you can be comfortable with the fact that Facebook will have to answer to the public after its IPO, which is big news considering Facebook’s recent privacy concerns.  That and the fact that Bono, yes that Bono, will own 1.5% of your beloved social network."

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

And now, (ANOTHER) word from our sponsor

Actually, I am the sponsor. One of my little ventures is called Boothbay Region For Rent By Owner or BRFRBO. I guess the name says it all, but let me add that the Boothbay Region of Maine has become a very special place for our family. We purchased a small summer cottage back in 1974 in an area known as Ocean Point , which is in East Boothbay which is in Boothbay.

On this web site we have listed 25 rental properties including some year-round  homes. Boothbay, as you may know, is on the ocean. I honestly believe that if you go there once for a long weekend or a vacation, you will want to return. Please check it out. Click on the photo or link below the photo to see our web site.