That's Collage It! As in make a collage using your own digital photos. I will have more to say about this in later posts, after I get more experience, but in the meantime I give a thumbs up to this simplistic product which does so easily in so many ways what many of us would have liked to have done for years. At least speaking for myself, an amateur photographer with almost 40,000 personal digital photos, this is a tool whose time has come.
You can try it for free, but the free version puts a watermark on the final product that you create. For only $19.90 (at least that is the price today at I do not know if this is a seasonal sales price or not, but give the freebie a whirl to see how easy it is to use and then decide for yourself if you want to buy the Pro version for $19.90. The fee Pro version removes their watermark.
Check here for useful tips for Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Top 26 Stealth Home Energy Hogs
Ouch! Those set top boxes are really hurting us. Very interesting article about the electrical use, on and off, of the many electrical devices we have about our houses.
Top 26 Stealth Home Energy Hogs
Monday, December 5, 2011
Lavasoft's Rogue Gallery
I referenced Lavasoft's Rogue Gallery once before as a good place to visit to keep a finger on the pulse of what was happening out there in the wild with news of new rogue programs. These are the kind of programs that so many of you have called me about and asked me to help get rid of. In the past week, Lavasoft has posted news of 10 new Rogue programs, with the second group of 5 being posted today. So, for today at least, and espeially during the holiday season, I recommend that you visit this site. I hope you won't find something familiar to you. In other words do all you can to avoid rogues!! Running Malwarebytes and also Superantispyware on a weekly basis for the next month or two would be a good idea. We all like to shop online, and doing that opens a few doors for these bad guys. In fairness to Lavasoft, since their product is Ad-Aware, run that too if you have it installed.
From the Lavasoft Rogue Gallery home page:
"The Rogue Gallery, powered by the Malware Labs at Lavasoft, is a resource dedicated to keeping computer users safe from rogue security software. By providing a comprehensive database of current rogue security applications, you have the ability to clearly see what programs are considered rogue – and avoid them.
Navigate the Rogue Gallery by displaying the latest threats or by searching for specific programs, listed in alphabetical order. Use the "Submit a Rogue" link to quickly and easily send any suspicious programs directly to Malware Labs to be analyzed."
From the Lavasoft Rogue Gallery home page:
"The Rogue Gallery, powered by the Malware Labs at Lavasoft, is a resource dedicated to keeping computer users safe from rogue security software. By providing a comprehensive database of current rogue security applications, you have the ability to clearly see what programs are considered rogue – and avoid them.
Navigate the Rogue Gallery by displaying the latest threats or by searching for specific programs, listed in alphabetical order. Use the "Submit a Rogue" link to quickly and easily send any suspicious programs directly to Malware Labs to be analyzed."
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