If you are already a Craigslist regular, skip this post. If not, I encourage you to visit this web site. Think of Craigslist as a giant Classified Ads section of the web that is localized to the area you live in. There is a Vermont Craigslist and there is a Maine Craigslist. There is also a Craigslist for (probably) all 50 states, major metropolitan areas, and other countries even have their own.
You can buy and sell most anything, and even find some really good stuff for free! There are many fora on many subjects, as well as job postings, housing, community, services, etc. Your listing is free, and replies go to you at an anonymous e-mail address, so your privacy is protected.
When you click on either of the local Craigslist sites below, notice the right side of the screen where you will see all of the Craigslists available.
Vermont Craigslist
Maine Craigslist
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