Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I started this blog back in February of 2008. That's about 2 years now, and there have been over 12000 hits, or views, of the blog. That is more than 500 a month, or about 17 views a day. That is small potatoes for many web sites, but pretty good for a local PC Doc.

So I say thank you to those of you who are faithful regular visitors.

I have about 300 customers on my address list, however, so this number also shows that most are not regular visitors. I wish I could get more of my customer base to check in more regularly. A lot of what I post has to do with preventive steps we users can take to avoid problems, so the more one views the blog, the fewer problems one will experience. Please encourage others to look here once in a while. There are 5 posts on a page, so visiting once a week will show the viewer the past week's posts.


  1. Tom,
    I read your blog everyday because it is one of my Home Pages in Firefox. As a Home Pages it always appears on a tab when I start Firefox! A suggestion: When you visit a client, add your blog as a home page to their web browser!

  2. Happy New Year. I enjoy this blog and visit it 2 to 3 times a week. Very informative.
