Thursday, June 17, 2010

Q & A: System Mechanic vs. Tune-Up Utilities

A customer writes:

"Hi tom thanks for the link to your blog re Tuneup Utilities. Guess I overlooked it - too quickly scanning the titles of the blogs.

Maybe I should switch to that program and stop the System Mechanic - are you familiar with that set of utilities, and the differences? I do have trouble being patient waiting for it to load - abysmally slow. Thanks for your input." 


"xxxxx, there are so many options out there, so many people vying for our money, that as much as I might like to be familiar with them all, I am just one person and can't be. I know nothing about SM. I just went to their web site and would agree that it is probably the same as TuneUp Utilities. It also looks to be priced at about the same level.

If you have a newer version of SM I'd suggest you stick with it and learn about each of its components, find which ones seem important (registry cleaner and registry defrag are two) and get to be somewhat of an expert on a few of its components and use them regularly (once a month or so).

I suggest Googling "System Mechanic reviews" or other variations of that to do a little research. Here's one, but whenever you do this note the date of the review and realize these are sometimes out of date relative to a newer version.


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