Monday, January 2, 2012

Sudoku Puzzle Solved

A voice out of my past, an old friend named Ron from Vermont and a former IBM co-worker, saw my Sudoku plea and came to my rescue. I don't think Ron and I have seen each other or even made contact in over 25 years!

The key to moving forward and also to directly solving the puzzle was determining that the last box in row 3 had to be an 8. Once that box was filled with the 8, the rest fell in place easily.

I have learned something. I need to either learn to think deeper than I usually do, or I need to print the tough ones off and use pencil and paper to determine the "possibilities" for each box and proceed from there. However, even then I still need to learn to look at these puzzles a little differently and look ahead more than I had to do with the EASY puzzles.

Thanks Ron!


  1. I am also a sudoku addict, but the paper, pencil, and good erasor type. I try to do pretty hard ones and do enter all the "candidates" in the boxes. A few yrs. ago my husband bought me a Mensa sudoku bk., level 4. After finding those were impossible, I tried level 3, then went to level 2. Have not looked at that bk. lately but it was my goal to get those all done before I die. My son recently gave me Frank Longo's Black Belt sudoku, 2nd degree. (Not sure how many degrees there are.) These are mostly doable but I am stuck on several. Maybe someday I will try to understand the most advanced techniques--something about "swordfish" is one. But as my son would probably say, quoting Steve Martin, "Nahhhhh."

  2. Thank you Mary Ellen, and good luck in your quest!
