But now the game has changed. The newer ransomware programs will lock up your machine demanding a rather stiff fine be paid to unlock your machine. However, even if one pays the exorbitant ransom fee, this NY Times article says the thieves rarely will unlock your machine.
It's all rather scary. I have not yet seen one of these attacks "in the wild", and I hope that YOU are not the first one I hear from with a plea for help. Refer to my recommended baseline security suite of programs and be careful out there.
From the NY Times article:
"Kidnappers used to make ransom notes with letters cut out of magazines. Now, notes simply pop up on your computer screen, except the hostage is your PC.
In the past year, hundreds of thousands of people across the world have
switched on their computers to find distressing messages alerting them
that they no longer have access to their PCs or any of the files on
The messages claim to be from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, some
20 other law enforcement agencies across the globe or, most recently, Anonymous,
a shadowy group of hackers. The computer users are told that the only
way to get their machines back is to pay a steep fine.
And, curiously, it’s working. The scheme is making more than $5 million a
year, according to computer security experts who are tracking them."
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