Windows 7 is the name currently given to the system that will replace Windows Vista. Microsoft hopes to deliver Windows 7 in 2010, perhaps earlier. That means that Windows 7 could be delivered in time for Christmas NEXT YEAR! PC World gives us a look at the pre-Beta version in an article worth perusing.
Those of us who will be able to stay with Windows XP and avoid Vista should be able to jump from XP to 7 directly - should we decide we want to or need to. Remember that Windows XP will be supported until 2014!
From the article: "Windows 7, successor to Windows Vista, is slated to ship in early 2010 (although rumor has it that Microsoft hopes to get it out even earlier. But aside from saying it will refine Vista's kernel, Microsoft hadn't released many details about the new OS--until now. Pre-beta code distributed at the Microsoft Professional Developers' conference suggests that Microsoft is serious about creating a less in-your-face OS."
Read the article and view screen shots from the pre-Beta version:
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