Tuesday, February 3, 2009

HOSTS File - Post # 3

If you have already followed steps 1 and 2 below, than you now have an icon on your desktop that looks something like this:


Next I want you to right click on that icon on your desktop and select "Open With". Then select "Compressed (zipped) Folders". You will then see a window appear that looks like this:


Okay, getting close! What you are looking at is the contents of the zipped (or compressed) folder. The files within it, all 5, are also zipped (compressed). Here is what I want you to do. Click on two of these files, one at a time, and drag them to your desktop. The two files are HOSTS and mvps.bat.

The dragging process will take longer than you'd think because the files will be unzipped in the process. Be patient. Once you click and drag the HOSTS file to your desktop it might take a minute before the HOSTS file, uncompressed (unzipped) will appear on your desktop.

Now you have these 2 files, HOSTS and mvps.bat unzipped and sitting on your desktop. You can close the hosts.zip folder window now.

Double-click on the mvps.bat icon on your desktop. In just a second you will see a window looking like this:


Simply hit your Enter key and the window will close. You now have a new HOSTS file and you are protected.

Stay tuned for the next, and last post in this process.

There are a couple of other things to do before you are finished, but do breathe a sigh of relief because you have the HOSTS file in place and it is working for you right now!

While waiting for the next post do a little cleanup. Delete the 3 icons on your desktop: hosts.zip, HOSTS, and mvps.bat. You no longer need them.

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