Friday, February 26, 2010


Below is a real e-mail I received yesterday. It was not placed in my Junk e-mail folder because it came from a customer of mine who was listed in my address book. I have blocked out her e-mail address to protect her privacy.

So there it was in my Inbox and coming from a trusted source, so I opened it. You can see what the contents were. Someone had obviously taken over control of my client's e-mail. I am not sure what they expected to happen next. There are no instructions. Maybe they hit SEND too early, or maybe they were all set to collect any e-mails sent in reply. I don't know which, but this is just another good example of how and why you need to be very careful out there.

From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 2:36 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: I hope you get this

Hope you get this on time,sorry I didn't inform you about my trip in UK for a Program, I'm presently in UK and am having some difficulties here because i misplaced my purse on my way to the hotel where my money and other valuable things were kept. presently i have limited access to internet,I will like you to assist me with a loan of 800 POUNDS to sort-out my hotel bills and to get myself back home.I have spoken to the embassy here but they are not responding to the matter effectively,I will appreciate whatever you can afford to assist me with,I'll refund the money back to you as soon as i return,let me know if you can be of any help.I don't have a phone where i can be reached.

Please let me know immediately.


  1. Hello Tom, I received the same email from someone I had met at a 20 year class reunion. This individual did not have my email address so the only way I figure that the perpetrator got my email address would have been through I wonder if they peruse advertisements for reunions and then hit up the classmates afterwards. I thought it was very interesting. Lisa

  2. I have heard second hand negative comments about, but have no personal experience with them.

    Thank you for your comment. Perhaps others will take something from it.
