Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Windows XP is a Dead OS Walking

I got scared when I saw the title of this Maximum PC article, but no, nothing has changed. Windows XP will still be supported by Microsoft through April 8, 2014, as we all have known all along. I don't know about the rest of you, but my Windows XP hardware, that is the machines I use to run Windows XP, is getting old and tired. It is entirely possible that I personally may abandon it sooner than the final date. If you or I are lucky enough to keep it going until 2014, it's not like our machines will stop working. It's just that Microsoft will no longer provide updates after that date. Ho-hum.

By the way, I will agree with anyone that Windows 7 is as good as or better than Windows XP. Who knows, however, what the name of the replacement will be in 2014?

Windows XP is a Dead OS Walking (For Reals This Time)

1 comment:

  1. Not only will it not be supported but other versions of windows are fast becoming bloatware. Take the plunge and ditch the lot by installing Linux.
