Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Kudos to Coffee Cup Software

As a rule I do not like to pay for software, but there are exceptions to the rule. Coffee Cup Software is a company that makes and sells a plethora of software products, all of which are very reasonably priced.

For several years I struggled with a few of the web sites that I have designed and built on my own using a Microsoft product called Frontpage. Frontpage was replaced by newer products from Microsoft, one of which I tried but did not like. I abandoned it and stuck with Frontpage even though it is no longer supported, and has not been for several years now. My web hosting company, Icdsoft, forced me to eliminate all of the Frontpage extensions (nice, exclusive to Frontpage features) because of the fact that Frontpage support had been dropped and they could no longer afford to support the few slow-to-change web site developers like me who insisted on hanging on. This was a painful experience, but I have managed to make it through the transition, removing the Frontpage bells & whistles from my web sites. There were some I had to replace and this is where Coffee Cup Software came in.

Several of my web sites, most notably Boothbay Region for Rent by Owner or BRFRBO, used fill in the blank forms to enable potential renters to inquire of a cottage owner about their rental property. I had been looking to enable CAPTCHA in these forms, but Frontpage did not support CAPTCHA. Now we all know what CAPTCHA is, even though we may not realize it, because CAPTCHA is nowadays used by most web sites to prevent spam. CAPTCHA bills itself with this description, "CAPTCHA: Telling Humans and Computers Apart Automatically". That doesn't tell one what CAPTCHA really is, but just take a quick look at their web site and you will immediately recognize what it is!

In my search for a way to implement CAPTCHA on my web sites, I stumbled upon Coffee Cup Software. They offered a very inexpensive product called Web Form Builder. I decided to try it and the rest is history. I love it. I am not a sophisticated web site developer. My sites are all quite basic, but Coffee Cup's Web Form Builder has added a touch of class to my sites. You see, with CAPTCHA I have been able to eliminate spam completely. Coffee Cup's CAPTCHA is a simple implementation requiring users to enter just 5 cahracters that, in this case, are very easy to discern. Take a look at one example from BRFRBO of what I am talking about here:
If you picture the form, located at the bottom of the above page, without the CAPTCHA image, you can perhaps see that it was easy to spam the cottage owner since there was no way to force a human to enter the data, and believe me, before Coffee Cup with its easy-to-implement CAPTCHA feature, the owners got plenty of spam.

So many kudos, thanks, and a tip of the hat to Coffee Cup Software! Check them out, not just for Web Form Builder but also for all of their software products.

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