Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Malwarebytes - Final Decision

It is a little over a month now since I last wrote about Malwarebytes.

I have been continually nagged by the company to renew my Premium license, but as I said on 11/19, I would probably not renew.

I have decided not to renew. I have uninstalled the Premium version and installed the Free version. If you are inclined to install the free version, and I do recommend that you do, you can download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.2.0 from the good old reliable download site, Filehippo. The url is http://www.filehippo.com/download_malwarebytes_anti_malware/

Click on the green box in the upper right hand corner to download the latest version.

Here is why I decided to go with the free version: in the year that I had the premium version installed on our 3 machines, it never found one problem on any of the 3 machines. This was a surprise to me. I have been singing the praises of Malwarebytes since was back, maybe 7 years or more. In a year 2008 blog post I stated "I have learned that Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is better than SuperAntispyware."

So the bottom line is still that I love Malwarebytes. I will run the free version weekly on our machines, and I recommend that you do too. I just can't recommend the Premium ($) version. The Free version does the trick for me.

I feel I must add that I have used Microsoft's free anti-virus program for years now, and it is my first line of defense against viruses and malware, and it does a fabulous job. Net, I do not pay for an anti-virus either.

Microsoft's free anti-virus had been known as Microsoft Security Essentials, but Microsoft changed its name to Microsoft Windows Defender. Believe me, DEFEND it does.

Happy New Year to all!