Friday, July 8, 2011


I can't believe it was almost 2 years ago that I wrote this first blog post about rootkits, but here it is:

Rootkits - Be afraid, be very afraid

So  there it is, what I believe was my first warning about rootkits.

Today I was reading Kim Komando's web site, as I do every day, and saw a tip of the day article titled ""Removing an indestructible virus"". It is a very interesting and informative article for those of you who may be having system problems and aren't afraid to take them on yourself. If you are afraid, please call me.

Curious, I downloaded Bit Defender's free TDL-4 rootkit removal program here. This program was quick to download, easy to install, and ran quickly. It is only looking for one thing, and that is the rootkit TDL-4, On my system it found nothing, glad to say, but gave me peace of mind.

So hats off to Kim Komando for informing us all with such a good article about rootkits, and many, many thanks to Bit Defender for providing us with such a valuable tool, and best of all it's free!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Facebook introduces Skype video calling

I haven't tried this yet, but since I recently became a Skype fan I will surely do so as soon as it is up and running.  If it's easy to use it is sure to be popular. Remember that Microsoft bought Skype recently? Strange bedfellows! This article is from itworld.

"Facebook on Wednesday announced a new video chat capability it will roll out in conjunction with Skype, in what the social-networking giant said is the first of many announcements of new applications to come in the next couple of months."

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Google+: Dissecting Google’s Answer to Facebook

This comes from Maximumpc.

"Google+ is officially on the market, and it’s being released in small doses in the form of invites. Much like how Gmail was initially spread in beta, the invite only model creates a sense of exclusivity and belonging. Facebook also used this method to market their network to college students, and eventually became part of the global definition of social media. Whether Google+ mirrors this success is anyone’s guess, but until that time it is time to get to know the features."