Wednesday, October 10, 2012

10 reasons why the desktop PC will live forever

Those of you who know me, whether customer, student, or friend or family, know that I am a big fan of desktop computers. I am such a big fan that I just bought a new one. I got this from Costco: ZT Intel® Core™ i7-3770 Desktop PC with Wireless Keyboard & Mouse. I have it installed next to my old IBM desktop PC that is running fine, even though it is literally in pieces and I start it with a chopstick (don't ask). My IBM has been a real workhorse and has been extremely reliable. Also, it has Windows XP, and I hate to give that up. The new one of course has W7. I WILL get to like W7, I keep telling myself. I do still have my Acer TravelMate 4220 laptop, and it runs XP, so I will keep my hand in on XP, the good Lord willing and it (the Acer) doesn't fail!

So today I found this article on the PCWorld web site, and it is both timely and may help some of you make a buying decision if you are wondering about the futire of desktops.

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